082 828 3388

Opening hours : Mon - Fri 09:00 - 20:00, Sat - Sun 09:00 - 19:00

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Veneers: Improve Your Smile and Boost Your Confidence

Veneers: Improve Your Smile and Boost Your Confidence

When there are issues such as unattractive, chipped, worn, cracked, yellowed, or darkened teeth, or uneven sizes, it can lead to a lack of confidence every time you smile or use your teeth. Improving the condition of your teeth with veneers (Veneer), which involves...
What are dental implants made of?

What are dental implants made of?

Dental implants are made from titanium, which is designed to resemble the shape of a tooth root and is biocompatible with the human jaw. It can bond securely with the bone, providing strong durability and a long lifespan. Who is suitable for dental implants? Anyone...